Saturday, September 12, 2009

Notes- Aristotle: On Oligarchies & Division of Common People/ Plato/ Aristotle

Aristotle: On Oligarchies & Division of Common People
(my groups article)

• 2 standards of qualification: one high class & one low class
•Low class= qualifying for humble but indispensable offices
•High class= superior offices
•Citizenship= granted if one qualifies for the prescribed qualifications
•Citizens= should make the gov’t stronger& new= taken out and brought up by the better
•The principle= what makes the oligarchy form of gov’t
•Popularity= preserves Democracy
•Democracy= based on proportion
•Preservation of Oligarchies= Different principle; Good Order
•Oligarchies= Related to a constitutional gov’t

Division of the Common People:
•4 chief divisions: 1.husbandmen 2. mechanics 3.retail traders 4. laborers
•4 types of military forces: 1.the cavalry (men on horses) 2.the light armed troops (field men) 3.the heavy infantry (men behind cannons) 4. the Navy (the special men of sea& air)
•Cavalry=adapted and leads to a strong Oligarchy being established.
•Cavalry= source of security (only afforded by the rich)
•Cavalry= men on horses
•2nd form of oligarchy=adapted to heavy infantry (more for the rich than poor light armed troops and naval elements)
•Light armed troops and naval elements= Democratic
•Remedy for Oligarchies loss= generals create proper numbers in light armed troops and cavalry with heavy arms.
•Oligarchy forces= of the low class(es)
•Citizens= of all ages
•Fathers teach sons to become light armed warriors
•Oligarchies= must yield in the share of gov’t and the people
•Magistracies= highest ranking
• Magistracies= must make sacrifices
•Magistracies= hands of the gov’t and have the expensive duties (privileges)
•People should not desire for the Magistracies possessions or privileges.
•Oligarchy gov’ts MUST BE ORGANIZED!


Rulers and Subjects:
•Doesn’t like or agree with Socrates' input on life
•Similar ideas but needs a definitive difference between leaders and the people
•Rulers= highly educated
•Rulers & subject are NOT EQUAL

Best Forms of Democracy:
•Best = pastoral or agriculturally based communities ( poor communities)
•People with special abilities= best rulers
•Good warriors= people who do not need moral excellence

•Social classes= upper, middle, lower
•Wants an oligarchy
•Lachademonia= Sparta fan or admirer/believer in the ways of the Spartan lifestyle despite the fact that he was born in Athens
•Believes in the phrase “ruled by the few”
•Thinks that there should be more than one ruler: King/Monarch & disciples
•Lots of armed forces

•Aristotle= better than Plato (according to the article)
•Aristotle believes that the philosopher king and the people are born equal and made good or bad by their individual decisions.
•Aristotle believes in a democracy where every one is equal when born, but become different people throughout the duration of their lives.


•Tyrants= nice at first
•Niceness= to get them in power
•After they get the role as ruler they don’t follow through with what they said they would do.
•Tyrants create distractions to void away from other troubles.
•Tyrants remove people the dislike
•Tyrants= Dictators
•Examples= Hitler & Stalin

•Gov’t makes laws to benefit themselves more than the people
•Rulers= think of their own interests firsts then the peoples
•If people don’t agree, they are injust and unworthy
•Tyranny= Wrong

Gov’ts and Men:
•Gov’t changes to how the men that are involved in the gov’t change
•Gov’t= based on the men’s ideas
•Man dictates the gov’t
•Gov’t= only as strong as the men involved
•If there is something wrong, then the men need to change something.

Philosopher King:
•Philosopher king= the perfect king
•Qualities for a philosopher king= open minded, not a coward (brave), kind not mean, not greedy or jealous, able to look beyond corruption, wise or of wisdom, to only desire for overall knowledge, good memory, and courteousness to the people or his subjects.

•Plato believes philosopher king is born with everything that they will need ( born with greatness or without it/ one way or another)
•Plato’s Utopia= communist gov’t, more than a democracy (for betterment of the entire state/ city as a unit or whole)

(end of my notes)

Backrounds vs Beliefs:

Plato is from the more upper part or richer side of society which would definitely explain why his philosophies are leaning him towards the rich ruling his typical gov't where the philosopher king is born great and the people are of less importance compared to the ruler.

Aristotle comes from a lesser family but becomes a wealthy man as an advisor from one king to another king, which exemplifies his beliefs that everyone is equal when born but become different as they grow in age.

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